The initial step in playing online poker at home is to go on your preferred site and download the poker software. However, if you opt not to download any software, you can choose to play poker with no download feature. This is usually available at any online poker sites. But, there are a big difference between playing the two poker types in terms of playability and features.
Moreover, after completing the download process, it is time to install the package in your laptop or computer. Afterwards, it is time to make your account as poker user of the site.
Here are some rules and regulations that you need to follow below starting online poker:
Online poker players must be 18 years old and above
Credit card or prepaid is highly needed for payment
Aside from that, here are the available poker game types that you can play via online:
1. Texas Hold’em
2. Chinese Poker
3. Omaha Hi-Lo
4. Razz
5. 7 Card Stud
6. Short Deck Hold’em
7. 5 Card Draw
Moreover, you can also choose to play the following via the online poker site:
Online Poker Tournament
This is the most wallet-friendly poker game that you wil be playing.
Sit & Go
Smaller tournaments that sometimes need a single table.
Cash Games
The classical form of poker
Cash games tend to be more flexible than tournaments based on most poker players.