Gambling on websites that are based or operating in the US is never legal. In addition to that, if you have plans of operating an online gambling website, then make sure that you are away from US soil. Furthermore, you are only allowed to deal with poker and casino wagers not related to sports from US players. As icing on the cake, you can’t take bets via phone call from punters in the US as well.
Handling Gambling Ads
Aside from that, it is illegal to accept advertising related to online gambling. Assuming that you’re a small publisher, there is a less chance that you’ll be prosecuted. But why would you risk it?
Well, since 2009, only mid and large sized publishers had to deal with prosecution. But in 2007 though, Microsoft, Yahoo as well as Google paid a fine for just accepting ads related to online gambling, but didn’t face any criminal charges.
Other publishers have been warned as well by the government to not take any online gambling ads.
Circumventing with US Players
It is not a smart idea as well to facilitate fund transfers to online casinos. Since 2006, it becomes illegal among American banks to process any transactions that directed or originated from online gambling operators. This results from several websites to refused taking bets from American players.